GIS Climate Bond Fund


Updated 17 October 2024

  • The Fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments and be subject to various risks (including for e.g. liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk and management risk etc.) associated with such investments in financial derivative instruments. A Fund’s use of, or investment in, financial derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Participation in the markets for financial derivative instruments involves investment risks and transaction costs to which a Fund may not be subject if such strategies are not used. You should carefully consider these risks prior to making an investment in the relevant Fund. Please refer to the Singapore prospectus for more information.


  • {{ currentShareClassCode }}

    346 MM
    (as of 30/09/2024)
    346 MM
    (as of 30/09/2024)
    Fixed Income
    Fixed Income


The investment objective of the Fund is to seek optimal risk adjusted returns, consistent with prudent investment management, while giving consideration to long term climate related risks and opportunities.



Fund Description

PIMCO GIS Climate Bond Fund offers a global, flexible, multi-sector credit portfolio that aims to help foster the transition to a net zero carbon economy while seeking risk-adjusted returns comparable to an investment grade portfolio. To do so, the fund invests in a diversified portfolio of multi-sector global bonds from issuers of labeled and unlabeled green bonds, as well as companies demonstrating climate change leadership across the value chain.

Investor Benefits

Addressing climate change has become a first-order issue for many business leaders and policy makers globally as risks and realities mount, and public engagement grows. The fund is designed to address this challenge by investing in efforts to mitigate climate risks today while raising up the providers of long-term climate solutions of tomorrow. Potential benefits of this include:

  • Seeks to deliver positive investment performance while supporting positive climate change solutions
  • Access to a diversified portfolio of multi-sector global bonds – beyond green bonds – from issuers that provide climate solutions across the value chain.
  • Seeks to directly mitigate first-order climate risks while raising up long-term climate solution leaders.

The Fund Advantage

PIMCO’s skilled, flexible multi-sector, global expertise helps the fund access opportunities across the full value chain of the climate mitigation effort while also allowing it to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and new opportunities. Further, PIMCO is well-positioned to influence and support positive climate change solutions. The firm’s expansive reach in fixed income markets due to its size, scope of expertise and ability to engage issuers has made it an impactful participant, which has helped guide companies and move the market toward meaningful climate change solutions. Finally, PIMCO sees investments as relationships. We have conversations with the issuers of the bonds we invest in, in part designed to encourage issuers to improve their approach to sustainability.


Bloomberg MSCI Green Bond Index (SGD Hedged)


The Bloomberg MSCI Green Bond Index, SGD Hedged offers investors an objective and robust measure of the global market for fixed income securities issued to fund projects with direct environmental benefits. An independent research driven methodology is used to evaluate index-eligible green bonds to ensure they adhere to established Green Bond Principles and to classify bonds by their environmental use of proceeds. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged index.






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VAG Compliance





Jelle Brons

Portfolio Manager, Global and U.S. Investment Grade Credit

View Profile for Jelle Brons

Regina Borromeo

Portfolio Manager

View Profile for Regina Borromeo

Grover Burthey

Portfolio Manager, ESG

View Profile for Grover Burthey

Samuel Mary

ESG Research Analyst

View Profile for Samuel Mary

Yields & Distributions

Historical Prices & Distributions

Estimated Gross Yield to Maturity1 as of 30/09/2024 4.74%
Current Yield5 as of 30/09/2024 3.41%
Underlying Portfolio Yield2,6 as of 30/09/2024 2.89%


1PIMCO calculates a Fund's Estimated Yield to Maturity by averaging the yield to maturity of each security held in the Fund on a market weighted basis. PIMCO pulls each security's yield to maturity from PIMCO's Portfolio Analytics database. When not available in the PIMCO's Portfolio Analytics database, PIMCO pulls the security's yield to maturity from Bloomberg. When not available in either database, PIMCO will assign a yield to maturity for that security from a PIMCO matrix based on prior data. Yields reported gross of fees, the deduction of which will reduce the yield.
2The dividend amount or dividend distribution rate/yield is based on historical dividend amount or dividend rate/yield. The dividend amount or dividend rate/yields is not guaranteed.
3Dividend is not guaranteed. Past distributions are not necessarily indicative of future trends, which may be lower. A positive distribution yield does not imply a positive return. Distribution payments of the Fund where applicable, may at the sole discretion of the Fund, be made out of either income and/ or capital of the Fund. In the case of the Fund, the Fund may at its discretion pay dividends out of capital which may result in an immediate reduction of the Fund’s NAV per share. In the case of Income II Shares, the Fund may at its discretion pay dividends out of capital as well as take into account the yield differential arising from share class currency hedging (which constitutes a distribution from capital). The management and other fees payable by the Income II Shares may also be charged to the capital of the Income II Shares, resulting in an increase in distributable income available for the payment of dividends and therefore, the Income II Shares may effectively pay dividends out of capital. This may result in an immediate reduction of the NAV per share for the Income II Shares.
4For share classes that have been incepted for less than one year, the average payout yield is calculated as the cumulation of payout yields since inception [sum of non-annualised distribution yield since inception; non –annualized yield for each period = Dividend Rate / NAV on ex-dividend day]. For dividend-paying share classes that have been incepted for more than one year, the average payout yield is calculated as average annualized dividend yield since inception [sum of annualized dividend yield since inception/ No. of periods since inception].
5Current yield is a security’s annual income (interest or dividends) divided by its current price. The estimate of current yield is based on PIMCO's best judgment for the securities in the portfolio on the date shown. PIMCO makes no representation on the accuracy or the methodology used. Yields reported gross of fees, the deduction of which will reduce the yield.
6The underlying portfolio yield is calculated as estimated current yield net of unified fees for the share class [Current Yield – Unified Fees]. Current yield is a security’s annual income (interest or dividends) divided by its current price. The underlying portfolio yield is based on PIMCO's best judgment for the securities in the portfolio on the date shown. PIMCO makes no representation on the accuracy or the methodology used. Yields reported net of fees.
7For share classes that have been incepted for less than 1 year, the average distribution since inception is calculated on a cumulative basis for the year[sum of dividend amount since inception]. For share classes that have been incepted more than 1 year but less than 10 years, the average distribution since inception is calculated as the average distribution amount since inception [sum of dividend amount since inception/ No. of periods since inception].For share classes that have incepted for more than 10 years, the average distribution is disclosed for the past 10 years. [sum of dividend amount for the past 10 years/ No. of periods for the past 10 years].

Fees & Expenses

Unified Fee8 0.52%


8Unified management fee is a single fixed Management Fee out of which the fees of the Investment Advisers, the Administrator and Custodian shall be paid, and certain other expenses including the fees of Paying Agents (and other local representatives) in jurisdictions where the Funds are registered.

Prices & Performance - Past performance does not predict future returns

Daily Statistics

All data as of 17/10/2024

NAV (SGD) 9.69 One Day Return -0.10%
Daily Change (SGD) -0.01 Daily YTD Return 3.19%
Daily YTD Return (net of 5% Preliminary Charge) -1.92%

All data as of

All data as of

Performance quoted represents past performance and is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future results. Investment return and the principal value of an investment will fluctuate. Shares may be worth more or less than original cost when redeemed. Current performance may be lower or higher than average annual returns shown.

Calendar Year Returns %

All data as of

Growth of $10,000 (hypothetical)

Morningstar Ratings


Past performance is not indicative of future performance and no guarantee is being made that similar returns will be achieved in the future. All periods longer than one year are annualised. Performance shown is on a NAV-to-NAV basis in the denominated currency and are net of fees and other expenses and on the assumption that dividends are reinvested, as applicable. Where stated, performance of the Fund is also shown taking into account the maximum preliminary charge of 5%. A preliminary charge of up to 5% may or may not be deducted from the subscription amount depending on the distributor from whom you had purchased shares, as such this may not represent actual performance returns. Investment returns denominated in non-local currency may be exposed to exchange rate fluctuations.
Where no past performance is shown, there was insufficient data in that year to provide performance.
Daily YTD return is from the most recent calendar year end.
Growth of $10,000 is calculated at NAV and assumes that all dividend and capital gain distributions were reinvested. It also assumes that $10,000 is invested into the fund, after deducting preliminary charges (if any). It does not take into account the effect of taxes. Results are not indicative of future performance.
A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a fund. © 2021 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Portfolio Composition

All data as of unless otherwise stated

Risk Characteristics

Standard Deviation9 6.37
Sharpe Ratio10 -0.57
Information Ratio11 0.69
Tracking Error12 2.47


9Standard deviation is applied to the annual rate of return of an investment to measure the investment's volatility (risk). For share classes that have incepted for at least 1 year; the standard deviations are calculated using the monthly after fee returns of the share classes since inception and annualizing it.
10The Sharpe Ratio measures the risk-adjusted performance. The risk-free rate is subtracted from the rate of return for a portfolio and the result is divided by the standard deviation of the portfolio returns.
11The information ratio is defined as the portfolio's excess return per unit of risk, or tracking error. For example, an information ratio of 1 means that a portfolio manager generates 100 basis points, or one percent of excess return for every 100 basis points of risk taken.
12Tracking error, a measure of risk, is defined as the standard deviation of the portfolio's excess return vs. the benchmark expressed in percent.


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Source: PIMCO, index provider for benchmark data.

A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a fund. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investment involves risk including possible loss of the principal amount invested. PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc is an umbrella type open-ended investment company with variable capital and is incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Ireland with registered number 276928. PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc has appointed PIMCO Asia Ptd Ltd as the Singapore Representative. The Fund may use or invest in financial derivative instruments and be subject to various risks (including for e.g. liquidity risk, interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk and management risk etc.) associated with such investments in financial derivative instruments. The Fund’s use of, or investment in, financial derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Participation in the markets for financial derivative instruments involves investment risks and transaction costs to which the Fund may not be subject if such strategies are not used. You should carefully consider these risks prior to making an investment in the Fund. Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the funds carefully before investing. This and other information is contained in the Fund’s Singapore Prospectus which is available and can be obtained from our website or by contacting the Singapore Representative or a distributor of the Fund. Prospective investors should read the Fund's Singapore Prospectus before deciding whether to subscribe for or purchase shares in any of the Funds. Investors may also wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to invest and in the event you choose not to seek advice, you should consider whether the investment is suitable for you. The value of shares of the Fund and the income accruing to them, if any, may fall or rise. The Funds typically offer different share classes, which are subject to different fees and expenses (which may affect performance), have different minimum investment requirements and are entitled to different services. Unless otherwise stated in the prospectus, the Fund referenced in this material is not managed against a particular benchmark or index, and any reference to a particular benchmark or index in this material is made solely for risk or performance comparison purposes.